
ASEH Prize for Best Environmental History Poster

Posters challenge historians and other scholars to think of creative ways to present their narratives visually. The world congress has organized a poster presentation on Tuesday 23 July, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Congress attendees will be able to view and consider posters and talk to authors about their research. The American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) will present a prize for the most effective poster at the closing ceremony on Friday 26 July, 1:00 p.m. Posters will be judged on quality of research, visual appeal, and effectiveness of conveying ideas.

SOLCHA Prize for Best Paper on Latin American Environmental History

EHCA Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental History

On the occasion of the 3rd WCEH, Florianopolis, Brazil

Aim and Scope of the Prize

The Environmental History Cluster Austria acknowledges conceptual and empirical approaches to environmental history, which are interdisciplinary and contribute significantly to advancing the field as an interdisciplinary endeavour. While environmental history tends to use the data of a large range of disciplines as their sources, and hence often is multi-disciplinary, some approaches are made possible because of a very intense integration of concepts, approaches, methods and data from various disciplines. Such work needs an extra effort and is often bound to teams, a form or organisation of research that the historical profession has taken up less than other disciplines.

Who can apply?

If your presentation (poster, paper, roundtable contribution) has been accepted for the WCEH 2019 and you attend the congress, you can apply.

When do I need to apply?

Application closes by June 30th, 2019, midnight (CET).

How can you apply?

We require you to send the following documents
  - The abstract that you submitted
  - An extended version of that abstract, no more than 3 manuscript pages, including references. In case you wish to use figures or tables, these can be added as Appendix.
  - You are advised to make clear in this document how your research contributes to Interdisciplinary Environmental History.
  - The session you are speaking/presenting
  - A short CV (2 Pages)
You are required to send them IN ONE ZIPPED document in ONE e-mail to

Prize committee

Members of the EHCA present at the conference will decide upon the prize. As far as possible, your poster or oral presentation will be seen/heard by members of EHCA. Decisions, however, are based on the extended abstract.

What is in it for you?

A certificate will be issued for the first, second and third place. The winner will receive Euro 200 as travel subsidy or for books. Extended Abstracts of the first three will be published on the EHCA website,


Write to with “EHCA Prize” in the subject line. Failing to do so will lead to delays, as Verena Winiwarter uses e-mail filtering rules.